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Resources | Studies | Insects of the Bible
The Moth

1. The moth is a pesky, destructive little insect. It forces us to take precautionary measures each year when we put away our clothes or it will ruin them.

2. The Bible uses this little fellow and it's process of becoming a moth to teach us some vital spiritual lessons.
3. The moth is pictured in Scripture as weak, but very destructive. Though very frail the moth can destroy things we place great value and confidence in.
4. To bring us to see our failures and how perishable are the things we lay great confidence in and how perishable are the things we spend our time and set our affections upon in this life.
Illustration: Here is a person with a mink coat or lovely wool garment. So proud, takes great delight. Represents dollars, time, effort. It is so lovely, it captures our heart. But then is a little moth flutters in and now after its work our new love has perished.

1. The moth and butterfly develop through complete metamorphosis. They first are a larvae and then form a moth.
2. The larva or caterpillars are serious chewing pests and can completely destroy value garments.
3. From ancient times garments and fabrics were tangible wealth. People kept them and they could be turned into cash like investments today.
4. The danger was moths – they could ruin and destroy the wealth and clothes of a person in a short period of time.
5. So it is that the Scripture takes this picture to show us our own frailty and weakness. The weak, frail moth can cause to perish those things we place so much faith, love and security in.
6. Now let's note some scripture: Job 4:19; Job 13:28; Job 27:18; Psalm 39:11; Isaiah 50:9; Isaiah 51:8; Hosea 5:12; Matthew 6:19.

Psalm 39:11 God does not trifle with his rod. He uses it because of sin. As the moth mars all the beauty of a fabric and leaves it worn out and worthless so do the chastisements of God discover our folly, weakness and nothingness. Beauty must be a poor thing when a moth can consume it and a rebuke can mar it.

The moth’s life is very short, but it leaves great destruction. The moth points out the frailties of our loves, the weakness of earthly security.

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